For Immediate Release: Press Contact: Dan DeMello, 917.981.0344 or “A poet now whose work and dedication to a demanding and difficult art I admire; a man who has the gift of inner grace.” —Robert Hayden “Certainly wowed the crowd with the performance and the words themselves.” —Hudson Valley Writers Guild “Intriguingly enjoyable. Frederick Glaysher's hours of dedication have produced a masterpiece that will stand the test of time.” —Poetry Cornwall, No. 36, England, UK “Our world is desperately in need of this message of peace, love and humanity.” —Rev Eric Williams, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church “Glaysher is really an epic poet, and this is an epic poem! Glaysher has written a masterpiece.” —The Society of Classical Poets Startlingly Original Off Broadway Play Will Soon Blast Audiences To The Moon In A Quest To Point Out The Common Humanity Uniting Us All The Parliament Of Poets Begins Performances on Thursday, February 15th At the Actor’s Temple Theatre Interspersed with Musical Interludes and Cosmic Projections, the Piece Explores the Power of the Female Spirit Across Cultures and the Nature Of Science and Religion including Quantum Physics and the “Two Cultures” of Science and the Humanities (New York, NY) – The new Off-Broadway production The Parliament of Poets will be offering trips to the moon this winter, taking audiences on a journey to discover universal peace and commonality. Written by epic poet, rhapsode, and poet-critic Frederick Glaysher (Literary Executor of the Robert Hayden Estate), and directed by Michigan Michael Chekhov, the new play blends the storytelling and chanting role of the ancient Greek rhapsode’s performance of Homer with the modern style of dramatic reading in theatres by Charles Dickens and Edgar Allan Poe into a new experimental epic form for a contemporary audience. The production’s New York Premiere blasts off on Thursday, February 15th and runs through March 2nd (Thursdays at 7:00pm and Saturdays at 2:00pm) at The Actor’s Temple Theatre, 339 West 47th St. Tickets are $69.00 and can be purchased at the door or online at: Thirty years in the making, The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem by Frederick Glaysher, takes place partly on the moon, at the Apollo 11 landing site, the Sea of Tranquility. In a world of Quantum science, Apollo, the Greek god of poetry, calls all the poets of the nations, ancient and modern, East and West, to assemble on the moon to consult on the meaning of modern life. The Parliament of Poets sends the main character, the Poet of the Moon, on a Journey to the seven continents to learn from all of the spiritual and wisdom traditions of humankind. On Earth and on the moon, the poets teach a global, universal celebration of life, celebrating our common humanity uniting us all. Glaysher performs solo The Poet of the Moon, Don Quixote, Merlin, Black Elk, Chief Seattle, Du Fu, Faerie Queene, Tolstoy, Dante, Milton, Job, Vyasa, Rumi, Borges, Sogolon, and other poets from around the world as they seek the meaning of our common humanity. The 90-minute production includes musical interludes, literary and cosmic projections, and an inspiring vision of humanity coming together in peace and global community. One of the major themes is the power of women and the female spirit across cultures. Another is the nature of science and religion, including Quantum Physics, as well as the “two cultures,” of science and the humanities. According to Hans Ruprecht, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, “The Parliament of Poets is a great epic poem of startling originality and universal significance, in every way partaking of the nature of world literature.” The author and performing rhapsode writes, “We human beings know how to cooperate and pull together when necessary. We’ve done it many times through the millennia, and we can do it again on the entire planet. The problems and the solutions are in our mind. Just a little fine-tuning might make all the difference. So, when I was in my mid-twenties, I thought perhaps a Journey to the Moon might help. And as a great world city and theatre capital, New York seems the perfect place to perform and chant my epic tale of all the great poets of the many civilizations on Earth coming together in peace and global community. If they can do it, so can we.” Frederick Glaysher has performed more than sixty times around the USA, Canada, and Scotland. He is an epic poet, rhapsode, poet-critic, and the author or editor of ten books. He studied at the University of Michigan with the American poet Robert Hayden and edited his collected prose and poetry. He holds two degrees from the University of Michigan, including a Master’s in English, and is the Literary Executor of the Hayden Estate. He has lived or traveled widely in the USA, Japan, China, and on an American Indian reservation in Arizona. Performer, Rhapsode: Frederick Glaysher Producer: Apollo’s Troupe Director: Michigan Michael Chekov General Manager: Ed Gaynes Stage Manager: Matthew Palmer Assistant Stage Manager: Josh Iacovelli Publicity: DDPR ###