The Parliament of Poets
Apollo's Troupe
Celebrating Our Common Humanity
"To carry forward the work of creation in a disintegrating society, some alternative channel must be found."
—Arnold Toynbee, A Study of History. 1972 Abridged Edition (228).
PRESS KIT | Press Release, Photos, NYC Playbill Program for Solo Performance, Bio.
Theatre Marketplace and Touring. See the About page for further author details
San Francisco, Member
Support Apollo's Troupe with a Patron Donation or Gift.
Help Bring its Message of Peace and Global Community to Humanity
and to San Francisco for a second time near Union Square, 8 to 12 weeks.
By check, specify Donation or Gift on the memo line (Not Tax Deductible), payable to
Apollo's Troupe,
5224 Aintree Rd., Rochester, MI 48306 -- EIN: 83-3830889
Goal: $100,000. Further tax details in Patronage Supports the Arts
Job Opening for Fundraiser
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Performed in NYC's Theatre District February 2024 ACTORS TEMPLE THEATRE (Off-Broadway 199 Seats) 339 W. 47th Street, NY, NY 10036 Thursdays, February 15, 22, 29, 7:00 pm. Saturdays, February 17, 24; March 2, 3:00 pm. 90 minute Solo Performance NYC TICKETS on |
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The Poet of the Moon: Frederick Glaysher |
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Apollo, the Greek god of poetry, calls all the poets of nations, ancient and modern, East and West, to assemble on the moon to consult on the meaning of modern life, seeking our common humanity, with Don Quixote as Master of Ceremonies. The Parliament of Poets sends the main character, the Poet of the Moon, on a Journey to the seven continents to learn from all of the spiritual and wisdom traditions of humankind. The 100-minute solo production includes musical interludes, literary and cosmic projections, and humanity coming together in peace and global community. |
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"A memorable invocation began the show and, like a rocket, The Poet of the Moon is propelled into the Cosmos. With a long wooden staff, Glaysher appears like Prospero, a lasting call for peace and unity, a unique type of optimism." —Theater Pizzazz, NYC Review, February 20, 2024 Glaysher has performed more than seventy times around the USA, Canada, and the UK. Download the NYC Playbill (8 page pdf) Program for Solo Performance |
Glaysher plays the main character, The Poet of the Moon, and Tolstoy, Merlin, Black Elk, Chief Seattle, Du Fu, Ta Chak, Chaucer, Faerie Queene, Dante, Job, Vyasa, Rumi, Borges, Sogolon, and other poets from around the world.
One of the major themes is the power of women and the female spirit across cultures. Another is the nature of science and religion, including Quantum Physics, as well as the “two cultures,” science and the humanities.
Theater Pizzazz - The Parliament of Poets at The Actor's Temple
All That Chat - Frederick Glaysher's The Parliament of Poets to Premiere Off Broadway
NYC Interview with Andrew Cortes. 32 Minutes
Stage Whispers Apple Podcast 338 The Parliament of Poets or on Stage Whispers Website"A unique and moving experience.” —Michigan Michael Chekhov
“Certainly wowed the crowd with the performance and the words themselves.” —Hudson Valley Writers Guild
"A hopeful vision of peaceful coexistence as one united humanity. It was delightful to hear the voices of greatpoets and thinkers of the past in dialogue with the narrator. The performance was thought-provoking, moving, and inspiring. Our world is desperately in need of this message of peace, love and humanity." —Rev Eric Williams, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church
"Impressed, moved to laughter, tears. Held our attention for 90 minutes, stayed so energized, a feat in itself. A creative, powerful message with so many of the poet masters, phenomenal! Amazing life-time work!" —Rev Leonetta Bugleisi, Unitarian Universalist
"Like a story around a campfire." —The Audience, Birmingham Unitarian Church
“A great epic poem of startling originality and universal significance, in every way partaking of the nature of world literature. Glaysher is in a creative dialogue with the greatest epic poets of all time. He is bringing together in beautiful verse form diverse visions of humanity from all over the world, frequently casting them in the form of spatial and cosmic imagery. A pure joy. Contemporary 'world literature' at its best.” —Hans G. Ruprecht, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
"Very readable and intriguingly enjoyable. Frederick Glaysher's hours of dedication have produced a masterpiece that will stand the test of time." —Poetry Cornwall, No. 36, England, UK
"Mr. Glaysher has written an epic poem of major importance. ...truly a major accomplishment and contribution to American Letters. ...a landmark achievement." —ML Liebler, Poet, Department of English, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
"The Secretariat of State has been asked by His Holiness Pope Francis to express his gratitude for the gifts sent to him and for the sentiments that prompted this thoughtful presentation."—Pope Francis, Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church
Black Elk, Actors Temple Theatre, NYC, February 2024. 2:46
The Poet of the Moon, Sea of Tranquility, NYC, February 2024. 3:45
Past Performances
Edinburgh Fringe, Scotland, artSpace@St Marks Unitarian Church, August 7 - 12; 21 - 24, 2023
Broadway Baby - Edinburgh Fringe - The Parliament of Poets
Broadway World - Edinburgh Fringe - The Parliament of Poets
Broadway Baby - Edinburgh Fringe - Into the Ruins of Modernity
Toronto Fringe Festival, Canada, Theatre Passe Muraille, July 7 - 15, 2023
Opening Hymn. Theatre Passe Muraille, Toronto Fringe Festival. July 10, 2023. 2:16 minutes.
Miriam Sossin, Stage Manager. Sophie Stetsenko, Assistant Stage Manager & Videographer.
More than seventy epic poetry readings and performances at the Off-Broadway Actors Temple Theatre (NYC), Theatre Passe Muraille at Toronto Fringe Festival, Theatre NOVA (Ann Arbor), artSpace@StMark's Unitarian Church at Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Hathaway’s Hideaway (Ann Arbor), Underground at Hilberry Theatre (WSU), Shelton Theater (San Francisco 2018), University of Michigan’s Rackham Amphitheatre, Wayne State University, Saginaw Valley State University, Detroit Public Library, Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum (Buffalo), Troy Public Library, Hannan Café, Austin International Poetry Festival (TX), Paint Creek Unitarian Universalist, Birmingham Unitarian, Grosse Pointe Unitarian, Universalist Unitarian Church of Farmington, Troy Interfaith, Theosophical Society of Detroit, Crazy Wisdom Bookstore, East Side Reading Series, MUSINGS, Borders, Barnes & Noble, BookWoman, Espresso Royale, Sweetwaters, Himalayan (Berkeley, CA), Café Trieste (SF), Cafe International (SF), Sacred Grounds Café (SF), Tuesdays at North Beach Branch Library (SF), Washington Park (SF), Florey’s Books (Pacific, CA), The Farmhouse, West Park (A2), Rochester Municipal Park Band Shell, 8th Parliament of the World's Religions 2021, St. Philip's Episcopal Church, Ringwald Theatre, etc.
Youtube Playlist, Apollo's Troupe
"A one of a kind play. I love you are creating real people of history into ficitionalized characters of themselves."
—Dana Denha, Host
Ringwald Theatre, Ferndale, Michigan
November 6, 13, 2022
The 8th Parliament of the World's Religions 2021
Virtual Excerpts. October 18, 2021
A Universal, Interfaith Story of Human Aspiration.
Rochester, Michigan, Municipal Park Band Shell
August 14, 2021, 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm.
West Park, in front of Band Shell, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Outdoors. 90 Minutes
Saturdays, 7:00 pm, July 24, 31, August 7, 2021
Sundays, 2:00 pm, July 25, August 1, 8
Given Governor Whitmer's “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order for COVID-19, all performances and lectures suspended "for the next three weeks." Check back here later for the status of the April 18 and 19 events, 2020. (Knocked out by Covid-19; only one performance and a lecture given) Per CDC, State of Michigan, Distance, Masks
Michigan Theater Building
527 E. Liberty Street,
Suite 208, Upstairs,
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(Russian Classical Ballet studio)
Chairs: 17, Social Distance Seating 0-10
The Parliament of Poets, 90 Minutes
Reviving the storytelling role of the ancient Greek rhapsode
March: Saturday, 7 pm, 14; 21. Friday, 7 pm, 27. 2020
April: Friday, 7 pm, April 3; 10. Saturday 7 pm, 4; 18.
Into the Ruins of Modernity, 90 Minutes
March: Friday, 7 pm, 13; 20. Saturday, 7 pm, 28. 2020
Surveys the horrors of modernity in a compelling and powerful confrontation with the trauma we human beings have brought on ourselves, evoking a reaffirmation of our deepest human capacities for cooperation and peace.
Hathaway’s Hideaway
310 S. Ashley Street, Ann Arbor. November
November 8, 9, & 10.
Friday, Saturday: 8:00 pm.
Sunday: 2:00 pm
General $15 Students $12. Doors open at 7:00 pm
Approximately 80 minutes.
Theatre NOVA, Ann Arbor, Michigan. September 22, 2019
Guest Production at Theatre Nova, Ann Arbor,
410 West Huron Street.
September 22, 29, and October 6. 7:00 - 9:00 pm - 2019
TICKETS AT THE DOOR $22 general, $15 student, or at Theatre Nova
Based on Staging by Jeff Thomas, Michigan Michael Chekhov,
"A spectacular book.
A unique and moving
Stage Manager, Briana O'Neal
Frederick Glaysher
Dennis Kleinsmith (Michigan Shakespeare Festival, Shakespeare in Detroit, Theatre Nova, JET, etc., pictured on right),
The new actors joining the Guest Production at Theatre Nova are, left to right...
Alexander Sloan (Open Book, Water Works, Hope College),
Patrick Grimes (Redbud, Morris, Young People’s Theatre),
Marley Boone (Williamston, St. Dunstan’s, Philadelphia theatre, Ethos, Lantern, etc.),
Krystle Dellihue (Shakespeare In Detroit, Matrix Theatre, Redbud, PTD, etc).
Download the Program for Apollo's Troupe at Theatre Nova
ENCORE MICHIGAN, Frederick Glaysher’s ‘Parliament of Poets’ at Theatre Nova for three Sunday performances September 13, 2019
Frederick Glaysher’s ‘Parliament of Poets’ at Theatre Nova for three Sunday performances. September 13, 2019. Encore Staff
ANN ARBOR—On September 22, 29, and October 6, the theatre company, Apollo’s Troupe, will stage the theater adaptation of the poem, The Parliament of Poets, written by Michigan poet Frederick Glaysher and published in 2012 by Earthrise Press.
Taking place on the moon at the Apollo 11 landing site, a lone poet finds himself charged by Don Quixote and “The Parliament of Poets” to spread a new message of beauty, unity, and love to all nations of our fractured modern world. He is then sent to meet with the great poets, myths, and characters from history, East and West, to be mentored on his quest towards enlightenment and understanding...
In The Underground at Hilberry Theatre, Wayne State University
(Formerly Studio Theatre) May 2019
May 17, 8:00pm; May 18, 8:00pm; May 19, 3:00pm
Jeff Thomakos, Director, Michigan Michael Chekhov
Christian Plonka, Stage Manager
Dennis Kleinsmith, Actor, as Don Quixote, Tolstoy, etc.
Mike Sandusky, Actor, as Robert Hayden, Borges, Job, etc.
Breon Canady, Actor, as Sogolon, Mimbardda, etc.
Frederick Glaysher, Epic Poet, Rhapsode, Producer, as the Poet of the Moon.
Download the Program for Apollo's Troupe at WSU
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