The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem
By Frederick Glaysher. Hardcover. $32.00. Preface, Introduction, "A Prefatory Ode." Earthrise Press, 2012; 2024 Revised Edition. 294 pages. ISBN: 9780982677889 (ISBN-10: 098267788X). More than 150 new lines since 2012 Edition. Printed in the USA, UK, Australia, India.
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Apollo, the Greek god of poetry, calls all the poets of nations, ancient and modern, East and West, to assemble on the moon to consult on the meaning of modern life, coming together in peace and global community, seeking our common humanity, with Don Quixote as Master of Ceremonies.
Among the major characters are The Poet of the Moon, Tolstoy, Merlin, Black Elk, Du Fu, Faerie Queene, Dante, Job, Vyasa, Rumi, Borges, Sogolon, and other poets from around the world.
One of the major themes is the power of women and the female spirit across cultures. Another is the nature of science and religion, including Quantum Physics, as well as the “two cultures,” science and the humanities.

Celebrating Our Common Humanity
PRESS KIT | Press Release, Photos 300ppi, Program for Solo Performance, Bio,
Marketplace Summary, TOURING,
Opening Hymn. Theatre Passe Muraille, Toronto Fringe Festival. July 10, 2023. 2:16 minutes.
Miriam Sossin, Stage Manager. Sophie Stetsenko, Assistant Stage Manager & Videographer.
The Poet of the Moon, Sea of Tranquility, Actors Temple Theatre, NYC, February 2024. 3:45
Download the Program for Solo Performance
"A memorable invocation began the show and, like a rocket, The Poet of the Moon is propelled into the Cosmos. With a long wooden staff, Glaysher appears like Prospero, a lasting call for peace and unity, a unique type of optimism."
—Theater Pizzazz, NYC Review, February 20, 2024 (90-minute theatre version)
"A unique and moving
—Michigan Michael Chekhov
"Like a story around a campfire." —The Audience, Birmingham Unitarian Church
"Certainly wowed the crowd with the performanceand the words themselves." —Hudson Valley Writers Guild, New York
"A great epic poem of startling originality and universal significance, in every way partaking of the nature of world literature. Glaysher is in a creative dialog with the greatest epic poets of all time. He is bringing together in beautiful verse form diverse visions of humanity from all over the world, frequently casting them in the form of spatial and cosmic imagery. A pure joy. A literary work of fine verbal art, it is contemporary 'world literature' at its best." —Hans G. Ruprecht, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
"A remarkable poem by a uniquely inspired poet, taking us out of time into a new and unspoken consciousness..." —Kevin McGrath, Lowell House, South Asian Studies, Harvard University
"Mr. Glaysher has written an epic poem of major importance that is guaranteed to bring joy and an overwhelming sense of beauty and understanding to readers who will travel the space ways with this exquisite poet. While the poem reads like the classic poetry of Milton, it has the contemporary edge of genius modernity. I am truly awed by this poet's use of epic poetry that today's readers will connect with, enjoy and savor every word, every line and every section. Frederick Glaysher is a master poet who knows his craft from the inside out, and this is truly a major accomplishment and contribution to American Letters. Once you enter, you will not stop until the end. A landmark achievement. Bravo!" —ML Liebler, Poet, Department of English, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
"And a fine major work it is." —Arthur McMaster, Department of English, Converse College, in Poets' Quarterly (Spring 2015), "My Odyssey as an Epic Poet: Interview with Frederick Glaysher."
"Very readable and intriguingly enjoyable. Frederick Glaysher's hours of dedication have produced a masterpiece that will stand the test of time." —Poetry Cornwall, No. 36, England, UK
"To put this in context, in my view the last complete and true epic poem in the English Language was Paradise Lost written by John Milton in the 17th century, and apart from that poem there are only two others: the anonymous Beowulf from old English, and the unfinished Faerie Queen by Edmund Spenser from the 16th century... Glaysher is really an epic poet and this is an epic poem! One can hardly congratulate him enough, then, on this achievement, since it has been so long awaited... One fabulous quality of this poem is its clarity and luminous quality. I love the fact that despite the wide ranging topographical and lexical references this poem is easy to understand and follow: it is a poet writing for people, not one trying to be clever, and not one concealing their lack of poetry in obfuscation. Glaysher has written a masterpiece... I strongly recommend Frederick Glaysher’s poem." —The Society of Classical Poets (2,272 words)
"This Great Poem promises to be the defining Epic of the Age and will be certain to endure for many Centuries. Frederick Glaysher uses his great Poetic and Literary Skills in an artistic way that is unique for our Era and the Years to come. I strongly recommend this book to all those who enjoy the finest Poetry. A profound spiritual message for humanity." —Alan Jacobs, Poet Writer Author, Ramana Maharshi Foundation, London, UK
"The artistic culmination of a long spiritual journey. If you choose to read The Parliament of Poets—and I hope that you will!—know that you are reading a devotional work of a poet-seer, one who yearns for and envisions a unified world in which spiritual verities draw all people together." —Bob Dixon-Kolar, Assistant Professor of English, College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
"One of the most important books of our time. A new vision for humanity; one of Unity and Oneness of humankind, synthesizing and integrating the great thinkers of all time. ...a new vision and sense of responsibility towards our shared humanity. An impassioned plea on behalf of humanity that reaches down and grabs the human longing for the Awakened Heart." —Tina Benson, Transpersonal/Jungian Psychotherapist, Mill Valley, California
"I am in awe of the brilliance of this book! Food for the soul, and answers to humanity's most pressing problems, right where they belong, in the epic poetry of all the teachers, magicians, prophets, shamans, and poets of all time... Bravo, bravo, bravo. Everyone must read this book, especially if you enjoy literature, wisdom, and philosophy. We held a poetry salon in honor of this book. It was wonderful!" —Anodea Judith, Author, Novato, California
"An exquisitely rendered epic poem that weaves ancient and contemporary vision into the heart of modern darkness and the light of eternal hope... For this reader it was like being enfolded into a glorious, celestial, orchestral song in which every instrument is finely tuned, timed, and vital to the whole, with different melodies coming together as a single motion to do something none of them could do alone... The Parliament of Poets is a worthy literary masterpiece... Once read, you know your life was impoverished without it." —New Consciousness Review, Portland, Oregon
"You know how on space probes they have these little goodie bags full of things. It is my feeling that they should include a copy of The Parliament of Poets, because you give this overview, this panorama of the best of human civilization, the voice of her poets, the voice of her dreamers and thinkers, and done it with great honor to each of them, and so I do want to commend your book to our listeners. Don't be intimidated by an epic poem. It's really coming back to that image of the storyteller sitting around the campfires of the world, dipping into and weaving the story of humanity, in the most beautiful, mellifluous language. So kudos to you, sir! Thirty years were not wasted. If anybody listening has contacts to NASA..." —New Consciousness Review Radio, Portland, Oregon
"In the classic epic poem, the hero suffers many challenges, meets many obstacles, and experiences what Joseph Campbell described as the Hero’s journey... A hero must meet obstacles, and in the case of the Persona, the obstacles are both internal and external—very Jungian is our hero. The quest for individuation or the coming together in wholeness, is evident as we, the readers/listeners follow the trials and travels of our hero. Beautiful book." —The Examiner, Portland, Oregon
"Frederick Glaysher has written a truly epic poem. Over a 30-year period, he crafted a story of history, archetypal energies, famous writers and poets from around the world, spiritual lessons, personal growth, adventure, and beauty. His writing takes you soaring across space and time, and his wealth of knowledge and wisdom shine through on every page. It makes me wish I could study at his feet, or that I could sit at his feet and listen to him weave this tale in person. 'Look Inside' and you'll be hooked - just as I was. Buy this book. Read it. Be amazed. It's awesome." —Lion Goodman, Marin County, California
"Brilliant! Rarely now do I read a book in three days. This one I did. My mind and heart were fed. I sent copies to friends. This poem is an anodyne in the era of Trump." —Joseph C. Jacobson
"Very intrigued by his background. I'm extremely impressed with the quality and depth of the writing. So well written. It's almost like a stepping stone into all this world lit that people might otherwise never touch." —Kerrytown BookFest, Ann Arbor, Michigan
"But possibly even the ambition of these [Odysseus Elytis and Derek Walcott] is dwarfed by what is attempted here." —Graham Mummery, Amazon UK Review
"This masterful work goes well beyond the norm for literature of any type... A thought-provoking look at humanity, choices and possibilities... Quite simply a masterpiece..." —Marv Borgman, Prattville, Alabama
"The purpose of the spiritual journey of the Poet of the Moon is to seek deliverance of the modern human from the captivity of nothingness, nihilism and atheism, and from the resulting chaos and chasm of soul. The core meaning of all is that the Supreme Being as well as the earth is one, and so human beings are one nation irrespective of their clan, class, color, race, religion and gender. In this earth human beings are part of the Great Mystery’s creation and their duty is to keep the balance and harmony of the universe, to achieve union, to choose sacrifice, and to be self-controlled. Bravo to the Poet for this toilsome but brilliant endeavour." —Transnational Literature, Flinders University, Adelaide, AustraliaFor multiple copies use, Order Books. (1,248 words)
"The Parliament of Poets carried me on the journey of Universality and All is One with the melodic rhythm only poetry can bring. Everyone needs to take this visit to the moon and look about the universe and all that it encompasses with the Awe with which it deserves! this magnificent epic that will raise your eyes to the sky and wonder how someone could capture it all so well!" —Cheryl B. Duttweiler, Fernandina Beach, Florida
"A uniquely powerful work." —Spirituality Today, UK
"Brilliant writing! I'm in awe... A perfect Christmas gift. But, buyer beware, you'll want it for yourself! Bravo. Well done." —Michele Ficano, Las Vegas, Nevada
"AWESOME BOOK!! This was ordered as a gift and I have to admit I had a hard time letting it go! Highly recommend both the book and the seller!" —Stanleys Mom
"I especially enjoyed Don Quixote's cameo appearances. Bravo. A fine and enjoyable read." —Marylee MacDonald, Tempe, Arizona
"An attempt to merge the sciences and the humanities to reach a greater understanding of the human condition. ...the poetry and language is rather beautiful. Glaysher has grasped epic poetry’s rhythms and cadences, favouring an iambic meter to create a pleasant, rolling pace to the piece. It’s really very readable." —Savage, London, UK
"It only takes the first few paragraphs of this modern epic poem to feel the mental gush of ideas, fascinating juxtapositionings, and unique symbolism for our time." —The Jewish Post and News of Winnipeg, Canada
"Glaysher...has shown...that with the right subject matter and the right language, one can create an epic poem even in today's age. ...a beautiful poem that falls off the tongue smoothly. excellent piece of poetry." —Nana Fredua-Agyeman, ImageNations; Goodreads; Accra, Ghana, Africa
"The main story is an interesting proposition, that maybe it is poets and philosophers, rather than activists and politicians, who can ultimately help transform this world into something better." —Mr. P. J. Morris, Amazon UK
"Awesome is not a grand enough word to describe the timeless brilliance of these words." —Donna Surles, Florida
Parabola, Winter 2018-2019. Hope (41).